Covid-19 info

Welcome Back


Your safety during the Covid-19 pandemic is of utmost importance. Should I need to visit your home, I wish to ensure your safety and give reassurance during this pandemic. I have detailed below a number of extra precautions I will be taking before and during any visit to your home. Could I please ask for your assistance to ensure these are fulfilled so we can all stay safe? Thank you.

What I'm doing to keep you safe

  • My temperature will be taken before entering your home.
  • I will not visit your property if I show any Covid-19 symptoms. 
  • I will wash my hands prior to my visit and use hand sanitiser regularly.
  • I will limit contact with any surfaces.
  • I will not expect you to provide a drink or refreshments for me.
  • I will wear a face mask if requested.
  • I will maintain sufficient distance from you and your family, but ensure we can still keep a relaxed learning environment.

What you can do to keep safe

  • Please advise me prior to my visit if you or your family feel ill or have any Covid-19 symptoms.
  • Please provide a seat near an open window if possible or an airy location within your home you are happy for me to teach from.

If you have any concerns or would like to discuss your safety in more detail, please contact me.